First and foremost St. Joseph Catholic Church would like to extend its heartfelt gratitude to all the amazing volunteers that make this parish happen. It is only because of the talent and generosity of Saint Joseph Parishioners that these ministries are possible. We invite you to consider one of these great opportunities to get involved in our parish community.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society is a group of VOLUNTEERS that provides for the those in need within our parish boundaries, both church members and neighbors in our area. The neighbor does not have to be Catholic. We mostly provide food from our pantry (donated from parish members) and Community Harvest vouchers (also paid via donations from the parish members). Other needs are handled based on funds we have available. We also visit the sick and home bound in our area. We attend the Walk for the Poor every year to raise awareness for the needy.
Our group meets every other Tuesday at 4pm in the Holy Family Room in church. Our members start and end each meeting with prayer as we strive to emulate Jesus. We are always in need of new members. As we grow, new opportunities can be explored.
If you are interested in exploring our ministry, contact Theresa Bittner at 260-750-2694.
What does it mean to be a Knight? It means a life of faith in action, a life of boldness in brotherhood, a life worth living. Come and join 2 million Catholic men on a mission of living our shared Catholic Faith through fellowship and acts of Charity. We support our Pastor and Parish, by assisting with scheduled events, as we are needed to do so. Membership in the Knights of Columbus group is open to Catholic men 18 years and older. If you have interest and becoming a Knight, please fill out the form 100 located on the back table of the Church, just outside the door to the Reconciliation Room, or it could be printed off the Knights of Columbus website. Please put the completed Form 100, in the collection or mail it to St. Joseph’s Church Office. Come, join us and help us to serve our community as Christ would have us do.
The Rosary Sodality is a women's group open to all of the ladies of the parish. As an engaging ministry of St.Joseph Church, we are women who strive to know, love, and serve God, welcoming all who come as sisters that walk alongside, growing in grace while creating a safe space to be real. Our meetings typically have a topic that we will explore deeper in order to grow in faith and community. Throughout the year, we will also have several volunteer activities that reach out to the surrounding community. We meet on the third Monday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Holy Family Room. We hope that you will come and join us!
Disciples in Action is an engaging youth group tailored for middle and high school students! We create a welcoming environment for all students—whether you're from a Catholic school, public school, or are homeschooled—inviting everyone to form lasting friendships while encountering Christ. Our focus extends beyond just social activities; we are dedicated to service within our parish and the broader community. Through hands-on projects and outreach initiatives, we gather to support those in need, putting our faith into action. Join us as we grow in our spiritual journey together, making a positive impact and fostering a vibrant life within the church!
Discípulos en Acción es un grupo de jóvenes atractivo diseñado para estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria. Creamos un ambiente acogedor para todos los estudiantes, ya sea que sean de una escuela católica, una escuela pública o que sean educados en casa, invitando a todos a formar amistades duraderas mientras tienen un encuentro con Cristo. Nuestro enfoque se extiende más allá de las actividades sociales; estamos dedicados al servicio dentro de nuestra parroquia y la comunidad en general. A través de proyectos prácticos e iniciativas comunitarias, nos reunimos para apoyar a los necesitados, poniendo nuestra fe en acción. ¡Únanse a nosotros mientras crecemos juntos en nuestro viaje espiritual, generando un impacto positivo y fomentando una vida vibrante dentro de la Iglesia!
¿Qué es Emaús?
Emaús es un ministerio parroquial hispano dirigido espiritualmente en nuestra parroquia San José por nuestro párroco Kevin M Bauman y manejado por los laicos de la comunidad para ayudar al prójimo a encontrar un mejor camino espiritual, enseñándoles a amar y servir a Dios en la vida diaria.
¿Qué es el Retiro Emaús?
El retiro de Emaús es realmente una experiencia inolvidable, es un encuentro verdadero con Dios, basado en el pasaje bíblico del evangelio de san Lucas, Capitulo 24, versículos 13 - 35. El retiro se desarrolla por medio de charlas espirituales, testimonios y dinámicas hermosas. Se tiene un retiro para hombres y un retiro para mujeres y pueden participar los mayores de 18 años.
¿Cómo puedo asistir a un retiro?
El retiro es anunciado con anticipación en el boletín de la iglesia, generalmente un mes antes de cada retiro, en ese mismo aviso se le informa la fecha que se hará la registración.
Para registrarse debe:
1.-Completar una aplicación, (Estas se encuentran al final de la misa al salir por la puerta, encontrarás a una servidora que te lo facilitara).
2.-Realizar una donación con un valor de $110 en efectivo, o en cheque.
Saint Joseph Pax Christi is a local chapter of Pax Christi USA and Pax Christi International. Pax Christi was started by Marthe Dortel-Claudot and Bishop Pierre-Marie Théas in France in 1945 as a Catholic movement of prayer seeking peace. There are now many groups all around the world. More information about Pax Christi USA can be found at
Our Saint Joseph Chapter is open to all parish members. We pray, study and organize conversation, events and liturgies that bring Gospel values, Catholic Social Teaching and the love of Jesus Christ into places where there is need for healing, nonviolence and justice. We meet once a month on variable Wednesdays at 4pm in the Holy Family Room and communicate by email between meetings. Parish members interested in becoming members or being notified of meetings should send their email address to or use the sign-up sheet on the information table in the church.
Saint Joseph Pax Christi es un capítulo local de Pax Christi USA y Pax Christi International. Pax Christi fue iniciado por Marthe Dortel-Claudot y el obispo Pierre-Marie Théas en Francia en 1945 como un movimiento católico de oración en busca de la paz. Ahora hay muchos grupos en todo el mundo. Puede encontrar más información sobre Pax Christi USA en
Nuestro capítulo de San José está abierto a todos los miembros de la parroquia. Oramos, estudiamos y organizamos conversaciones, eventos y liturgias que llevan los valores del Evangelio, la Doctrina Social Católica y el amor de Jesucristo a lugares donde hay necesidad de sanación, no violencia y justicia. Nos reunimos un miércoles al mes a las 4 p. m. en el salón de la Sagrada Familia y nos comunicamos por correo electrónico entre reuniones. Los miembros de la parroquia interesados en convertirse en miembros o recibir notificaciones de las reuniones pueden enviar su dirección de correo electrónico a o usar la hoja de inscripción que se encuentra en el escritorio de información del templo.
The mission of our Bible Study Ministry is to reach for a greater understanding of the Bible so that we may come closer to God as we learn more about the Salvation History as Jesus lived and died for us. Our goal is to draw nearer to God as we become better acquainted with his Word.
We will be using Great Adventure Bible Study: Salvation History
Denise Smith
(260)704-5871 - text message
Las clases para ayudar a las personas a prepararse para su examen de ciudadania se llevan a cabo los viernes, de 6 - 8 pm, en el Gathering Room, comenzando el 25 de octubre.
El costo de la clase es $25 para cubrir el costo de los materiales. Las personas que estén interesadas pueden llamar al número 260-414-755.
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