Sunday Morning Choir
This choir sings at the 9am mass once a month. The choir is open to anyone interested in choral singing. Experience is appreciated but not necessary. Choir members receive an email with the date of the next mass, music list, sheet music and recordings. Members are expected to practice at home and arrive prepared for the rehearsal at 8am Sunday morning just before the mass. No audition needed. Contact Ken Jehle for more information.
Cantor at 9:00am Sunday Mass
Singers must be experienced and well prepared. It is highly recommended that singers have taken voice lessons, read music, and know classic catholic hymnody. There are limited cantoring slots available. Applicants may send a video audition piece to Ken Jehle.
Choir for the 12:00pm Spanish Mass
This is a lively group of loyal singers and instrumentalists. Rehearsal times vary. Contact Jaime Palma at 260.414.7554 for more information.
Coro para la Misa en español
Por favor llama a Jaime Palma 260.414.7554
Accompaniests and Instrumentalists
Additional instrumentalists are appreciated at all masses. Call Ken Jehle for more information.
Norms for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Promulgated by Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades, January, 2013
Normas para Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión (Spanish)
Promulgado por el Obispo Kevin C. Rhoades, enero 2013